Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Hiring an Attorney to Assist File A Trademark Registration

Specializing in intellectual and trademark property matters, An attorney that has years of experience dealing with all kinds of issues arising through the trademark process and in anticipating what must be addressed in your trademark application, this experience helps. Understanding why most applicants choose to use the services of private trademark attorneys are tough.

Before Application of Trademark Registration

A search of all current federal and state trademark registrations can be made by a private trademark attorney can perform that could be confused with your proposed trademark. A search of all common law (rights-based not on federal trademark registration and use of the mark) use of the mark can also be performed by them. Concerning your use of a mark that has been previously registered or is currently in use and as you wouldn't want any potential costly disputes in the future; this will help tremendously with the process. Before beginning the process of trademark registration, this also lets you know if your mark is likely to be refused.

During the Process of Application 

With the USPTO, your attorney will be in contact on your behalf and concerning your application, will apprise you of any updates. To register your mark will be addressed promptly, any problems with your refusals or application. In understanding exactly what the Trademark Office is looking for and what changes must be made, Years of experience in addressing the Trademark Office's concerns aids your attorney. This cuts down effort and time spent on making edits and addressing all issues at once, rather than continuously receiving notices from the Trademark Office changing must still be made.

After Receiving your Registration

Trademark rights are not enforced by the USPTO and for making sure your mark is not being used without your authorization, you alone are responsible. In trademark infringement matters, a trademark registration attorney has the experience, and to decide whether or not someone else's use of your mark constitutes trademark infringement, it has the experience. To address the issue with the other party on your behalf, a trademark attorney has the gravitas if the infringement is found to exist.

Hiring an Attorney to Assist File A Trademark Registration

Specializing in intellectual and trademark property matters, An attorney that has years of experience dealing with all kinds of issues arisi...